![The fish-and-rod/reel shot isn't a far cry from the grip-and-grin shot, but when it's done well, can still be captivating. Like one of our favorite shots from last year, "Double Rainbow", this shot pairs a reel and a fish painted in the same likeness. [RUNNER UP] - Double Brown](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/doublebrown_0.jpg?itok=_kpYgm2p×tamp=1417707334)
Calling the judging in this year's photo contest difficult would be putting it mildly. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Orvis, Smith Optics, Cheeky Fly Fishing and Scientific Anglers, this year's contest attracted the most entries we've ever received and also some of the best. Poring over it all and choosing favorites was no easy task for the judges. All told, 65 different photos received votes from our dozen judges, almost all of which you'll see showcased here. When it was all said and done, it seems that the judges -- a group predominated by professional photographers -- were most moved by their heart strings for the second year in a row.
The biggest takeaway each year is the opportunity we get to showcase the stunning fly fishing photography that professionals and amateurs alike are capturing when on the water, using everything from high-end DSLRs to point and shoots and their smartphones. The scenes that each photographer chooses to capture gives the rest of us a glimpse into how they see the sport, into the imagery and moments that move them when on the water.
This year's winners will build their own outfit/prize packs that includes their choice of models of the following:
Grand Prize: Orvis Helios 2 fly rod + Cheeky Fly Fishing reel + Scientific Anglers SharkWave fly line + Smith Optics' ChromaPop sunglasses
First Prize: Cheeky Fly Fishing reel + Scientific Anglers SharkWave fly line + Smith Optics' ChromaPop sunglasses
Second Prize: Scientific Anglers SharkWave fly line + Smith Optics' ChromaPop sunglasses
Third Prize: Scientific Anglers SharkWave fly line
In addition to offering our sponsors another round of gratitude, we'd also like to thank our judges: Earl Harper (photographer, Harper Studios), Bryan Gregson (photographer, Bryan Gregson Photography), Mark Lance (photographer, Riverlight Images), Copi Vojta (photographer + photo editor, The Fly Fish Journal), Arian Stevens (photographer, Arian Stevens Photography), Jess McGlothlin (author/photographer, Fire Girl Photography), Tom Sadler (author, Executive Director OWAA), Chris Hunt (author, National Communications Director Trout Unlimited), Scott Hunter (founder/owner, Vedavoo), George Costa (Assistant Editor, Hatch Magazine).
We look forward to next year's contest with great anticipation. See you all May 1, 2015. Now on with the results ...
Photos receiving votes but not pictured (highest score last): Boise River Steelhead, Hebridean Silver, Happy Hour, Fishing Buddy, If You Catch You Should Release, Silver and Blue, Keep 'em Wet, Low Tide in the Salt Marsh, Two Worlds, No Fly Zone, Blooper Reel, A Change of Clothes, Suburban is Spanish, A Hard Days Work, Brown Jumping for a Drake, Chase Your Dragon, Dedicated.
![Dogs and fishing go together almost as well as kids and fishing, maybe even better. Here, photographer Mike Doughty's dog, "Saxon", encounters his first fish. [RUNNER UP] - First Fish Encounter](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/firstfishencounter.jpg?itok=ShYN0JGD×tamp=1417706024)
![There's more to see on our rivers than just the fish, a fact not lost on this sage lizard, gazing on an angler chasing the yellow sally hatch on the Owyhee River. [RUNNER UP] - The Lizard](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/thelizard.jpg?itok=T3cX4zxP×tamp=1417707334)
![Is it possible to capture a more autumnal fishing scene than this one by Philip Reedy on the West Carson River in California? We're not sure. Throw in the dissipating rings from a rising trout, and the picture is complete. [RUNNER UP] - Autumn Rise](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/autumnrise.jpg?itok=Iyy1YNrO×tamp=1417707334)
![The tones are deep and the colors are rich in this shot by Logun Mitchell of a Snake River hybrid. [RUNNER UP] - Rosie Red Cheeks](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/rosieredcheeks.jpg?itok=axN_CVre×tamp=1417707334)
![This image, captured by Joey Mara, shows angler Josh Lo hooked up to a native cutthroat during golden hour on the Snoqualmie River, shortly after taking a dip in the drink. [RUNNER UP] - The Golden Hookup](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/thegoldenhookup.jpg?itok=krCL6Dbq×tamp=1417707334)
![Another great capture, this one by Logan Goldman, of a man and his best friend heading to their favorite spot on the river. [RUNNER UP] - Fishing Bud](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/fishingbud.jpg?itok=Jlw-yRu1×tamp=1417706024)
![While straightforward capture of a fish coming to the net, this images excellent crispness, contrast and rich tones make it hard to look away from. [RUNNER UP] - Tension](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/tension.jpg?itok=EQ8yJdPK×tamp=1417707334)
![It is indeed, and with a scene like this one, from the La Malbaie River in Quebec, to warm and liven the spirits, it is easy to see why. [RUNNER UP] - Fishing is One of the Best Tools for Curing Depression](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/fishingtoolsdepression.jpg?itok=pdcJHaR6×tamp=1417707334)
![There were no shortage of pictures submitted this year of folks fishing with their kids. But they're not all created equal. This one, captured by Amanda Ball, stood out to the judges. [RUNNER UP] - Anticipation](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/anticipation.jpg?itok=ITqz68aC×tamp=1417707334)
![Bonefish are one of the most beautiful fish in the world and this capture of a bonefish after release highlights their richness and texture. [RUNNER UP] - Ghost Release](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/ghostrelease.jpg?itok=3ZrKKnJA×tamp=1417707334)
![A bit heavy on the Instagram feel? Maybe, but this image's texture and overall mood helped it rise above the over-filtered crowd. [RUNNER UP] - Ready Position - Poonin'](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/readypositionpoonin.jpg?itok=_ZFK15AP×tamp=1417707334)

![Beautiful vermiculation on this trout, caught by photographer Justin Hamblin on a high alpine lake. [RUNNER UP] - Vermiculation](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/vermiculation.jpg?itok=zyCWTeSn×tamp=1417706024)
![Char put on some of the finest shows in the fall, coloring up with rich, vibrant oranges and reds as is evidenced in this shot of a fall brook trout by Rueben Browning. [RUNNER UP] - Fall Brook Trout](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/fallbrooktrout.jpg?itok=ATgwK_C_×tamp=1417706024)
![Half a lake is better than no lake, says this image's photographer. It's also evidently what you get, even in June, when you're at 13,000 feet. [RUNNER UP] - June at 13000 Feet](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/juneat13000.jpg?itok=YbIaZUYZ×tamp=1417706024)
![The sun sets on the iconic Yellowstone River in this nicely framed landscape. [RUNNER UP] - Yellowstone Twilight](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/yellowstonetwilight.jpg?itok=Bxf85vWw×tamp=1417707334)

![A great action shot of a Loop Opti reel being put to the test by a Madison River rainbow trout. [RUNNER UP] - And We're Off](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/andwereoff.jpg?itok=eF6NhTHL×tamp=1417707334)
![Captured by Jeffrey Diblasi, this shot of storms rolling in on a South Carolina flat made a few lists, despite the heavy HDR processing. [RUNNER UP] - Rain's Coming](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/rainscoming.jpg?itok=Y5qywHvf×tamp=1417706024)
![Chris Daniel framed this shot on the Madison River, where mid-winter can offer up some truly fine midge fishing, and calmly beautiful scenery. [RUNNER UP] - Mid Winter Magic](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/midwintermagic.jpg?itok=ZN9AyHn2×tamp=1417706024)

![This isn't the only misty morning image from photographer Matt Shaw that was a favorite of this year's judges. Hailing from Tennessee, Shaw presumably has no shortage of waterways that offering up misty mornings as seen in this and many other of Shaw's shots. Capturing the grace and serenity of those morning moments, however, is no easy task, but Matt seems to do it with ease. [RUNNER UP] - The Morning Pursuit](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/themorningpursuit.jpg?itok=mbmBDtrD×tamp=1417707334)
![Matt Shaw, at it again, capturing another Tennessee morning moment in this eerily beautiful image. [RUNNER UP] - Amidst the Midst](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/admistthemist.jpg?itok=Jm4xgXZx×tamp=1417707334)
![Sometimes, walking away with great fly fishing photography is just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Add in a creative perspective, and you've got a winner. [RUNNER UP] - Chomp](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/chomp.jpg?itok=itrmdk67×tamp=1417707334)
![Left Ray Chappa wonders in his caption of this image, "who knew Galveston had marshes?" We didn't, but they sure are pretty. [RUNNER UP] - Marshing On](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/marshingon_0.jpg?itok=cP5O0S_z×tamp=1417719452)
![This one isn't going to win any contests for technical excellence, but it makes people smile, and perhaps that's more important and why it stood out amongst some considerably more "professional" imagery. [RUNNER UP] - Big one of the Day](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/bigoneoftheday.jpg?itok=KZO8EatS×tamp=1417707334)
![We can't get enough of shots of trout, bonefish, tarpon and so on - but images of some of the other creatures we encounter when on the water are always welcome. None perhaps more than this image of a magnificently hued cuttlefish, caught while in search of grouper and wrasse on a rocky flat in the island of Lombok, Indonesia. [RUNNER UP] - Not Just a Fish](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/notjustafish.jpg?itok=HseNzQ9O×tamp=1417707334)
![Smallmouth don't typically get their due as beauties of the fly fishing world. Perhaps this stunning underwater shot from Rueben Browning will serve to turn that misconception on its ear. [RUNNER UP] - Smallmouth Soaking Up the Sun](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/smallmouthsoaking.jpg?itok=W7bsQxhs×tamp=1417707334)
![Some fish just can't be landed by your lonesome. This great action shot by Justin Hamblin shows angler brothers Pete and Ben work together to land a big B Run Steelhead in raging, off-colored water. [RUNNER UP] - Teamwork.](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/teamwork.jpg?itok=4-aNQdc3×tamp=1417706024)
![Photographer Nathan Ball snapped this shot, which illustrates the lifelong endurance of our sport in the lives of many anglers, at the 2014 American Casting Association championship. [RUNNER UP] - Old School](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/oldschool.jpg?itok=pqwjqW3O×tamp=1417707334)
![Another near-perfect composition that truly puts the viewer in the moment. Every flats and saltwater angler is familiar with the "ready position" and the emotions that accompany it, and this image takes you back there. Throw in excellent sharpness, contrast and tone, which combine to reveal the dirt, scrapes and scuffs delivered by the saltwater world, and you can almost smell the salt and feel the sun starting to peek through the clouds and hitting the back of your neck. [RUNNER UP] - Ready Position](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/readyposition.jpg?itok=-GLqDOjA×tamp=1417707334)
![Another Tennessee photographer, Nathan Ball conveys an ethereal southern landscape in this image. If that's not bass water, we don't know what is. [RUNNER UP] - Morning Plans](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/morningplans.jpg?itok=Ac-baqHA×tamp=1417707334)

![Another entry from contest veteran Stu Hastie. We'll presume this is going to end up in an advertisement for Epic fly rod blanks. And if it doesn't, heads will be shaken. [RUNNER UP] - Epic Release](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/epicrelease_0.jpg?itok=XTytUAoI×tamp=1417707334)
![Kiwi Stu Hastie is evidently in the photo contest business. And that's fine. Stu takes his time crafting compelling images that we only want to see more of, like this one of a rainbow trout from Bush Creek in New Zealand. [RUNNER UP] - Bush Creek Rainbow](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/bushcreekrainbow.jpg?itok=PI7EXgbX×tamp=1417707334)
![Perspective is everything, and that's most certainly the case with this shot from Arek Kubale in which an angler fights the fine trout "Stanislaw" on the Bobr River in Lower Silesia, Poland. [RUNNER UP] - Fighting Stanislaw](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/fightingstanislaw.jpg?itok=zfBPUcEx×tamp=1417707334)
![Night fishing isn't for everyone, but it captures some anglers and won't let them go. As photographer Amanda Monthei notes, "We've only fished during the day three times this summer. Trust me, I've counted. We've sold our souls to night fishing, to Red-Bull-fueled fishing marathons, throwing mice patterns from sunset to sunrise." Her shot offers a compelling glimpse into the world of the night fisherman. [10th PLACE] - 3 AM](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/3am.jpg?itok=DpCt99-C×tamp=1417707334)
![This smartphone shot makes up for what it lacks in resolution with excellent composition in which the stunning sky and water are framed beautifully by the mountains and hillsides. [9th PLACE] - Anticipation of the Tailwater](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/anticipationofthetailwater.jpg?itok=ANBnXJq9×tamp=1417707334)
![It's hard to tell whether the honeycomb reflections of the sunlight on the water in this shot from Dirk from Idaho's Sun Valley are the result of a well-timed capture or aggressive processing, but it didn't matter to several of the judges who placed it amongst their favorites. [8th PLACE] - Brown Trout, Underwater Fin and Snout](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/browntroutunderwater.jpg?itok=hzNoVYm-×tamp=1417707334)
![Had this image of the tail of a Clark Fork River brown trout been a bit sharper, there's a good chance it would have walked away with one of this year's prizes. What it lacks in sharpness, however, was countered well enough by good composition and brilliant color to land it amongst many of the judges top 10. [6th PLACE] - Clark Fork Tail](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/clarkforktail.jpg?itok=qSOhztFu×tamp=1417707334)
![This shot from Joey Guzman of an autumn rainbow trout impressed with its rich colors and reserved mood. [5th PLACE] - Breaking Glass](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/breakingglass.jpg?itok=T3gW44iP×tamp=1417707334)

![While we can't help but wonder what this shot would look like in color, or brightened up a bit, that curiosity did nothing to prevent this killer capture from Stu Hastie from snatching third prize. [THIRD PRIZE] - Haulin' Anchor](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/haulinanchor.jpg?itok=Vy7Y6ifU×tamp=1417707334)
![Several judges voted for this image from Jeffrey Diblasi to take home the grand prize. And why not? Creativity, excellent composition, energy, great tone and richness. This image has it all. As one judge noted, "You can feel the ride." [SECOND PRIZE] - Changing Spots](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/changingspots.jpg?itok=sfAnivQi×tamp=1417707334)
![Mayfly shots are a dime-a-dozen. Except when they're not. This image of a Bitterroot River mayfly by Joe Cummings gives us a big look at the world of the tiny insects that are a huge part of our fishing world. The smoke effect in the image was accomplished using a macro lens and a shallow depth of field to capture the mayfly itself and the reflection off a rock in the background. [FIRST PRIZE] - Bitterroot Mayfly](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/bitterrootmayfly.jpg?itok=9j4NenSr×tamp=1417707334)
![Are we all going soft? Maybe. Regardless, this Nathan Ball image kept coming back up as many a judge's favorite. Technically excellent, sure, but this emotional image speaks to the passion we have for fishing and our desire to pass that on to the next generation. Ball's image not only received as many grand prize votes as any other image in the contest, it received more total votes than any other image. [GRAND PRIZE] - All Fished Out](https://www.hatchmag.com/sites/default/files/styles/preload/public/allfishedout.jpg?itok=uOlWFA5C×tamp=1417707334)
AnotherPointofViewPhotography replied on Permalink
Thank you!
What an awesome experience! Congratulations winners and runners up! Can't wait for next year. Fish on!
DDon replied on Permalink
Definitely an impressive
Definitely an impressive collection. Really loved "Changing Spots" and "Amidst the Midst".
huffmanl43 replied on Permalink
Good job. So many good ones
Good job. So many good ones and ago many awesome ones. Good job fellow anglers
Jeff DiBlasi replied on Permalink
I am really honored to have
I am really honored to have my photos included with this group. So many amazing photographs.
Scott Hunter replied on Permalink
Prize for the Kid too!
The grand prize was one of my votes as well - great shot! But who else thinks the tuckered out champ needs something too? Vedavoo will toss in a little bugger sling for him - let me know what color your lad likes :) Vedavoo.com/little-bugger
nathan ball replied on Permalink
Wow! Scott, that's awesome!
Wow! Scott, that's awesome! Thank you very much for the offer! Does it come in digital camo? He said it will help him hide from the fish!
nathan ball replied on Permalink
Scott, I looked through the
Scott, I looked through the Vedavoo website and woodland camo would be great! Incredible looking product by the way, I can't wait to check it out in person! Thanks again!
Robert replied on Permalink
Some great pics. But I am surprised to see so many over-Photoshopped and maxed out HDR images in the mix. Personally, I think any image that is manipulated beyond NatGeo guidelines is no longer a photo.
JP replied on Permalink
I only see two images that
I only see two images that could be classified this way, and in both cases the over-processing is noted. Are you seeing something I'm not?
Skjoldr replied on Permalink
There was a few photos that
There was a few photos that was edited sure, but didnt notice anything suspect among the winning.
Some of mine had to go through photoshop cause it was from a video sequence, but without editing.
some very nice photos in the contest.
Congrats to the winners
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