Hardy has released information on a new fly rod series presumed to be the successor to its highly-awarded Zenith family of rods. This new series, the Hardy Zephrus, is — like the Zenith — built on Hardy's SINTRIX 440 technology. Hardy is calling the new Zephrus the "evolution of carbon fiber fly rod technology."
Hardy recently debuted the Zephrus at EFTTEX 2015 — the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association's annual trade show — where it was nominated for best new fly rod.

Hardy is rolling out the Zephrus in three series; a freshwater series (FWS), saltwater series (SWS) and all-water series (AWS). In all, the Zephrus lineup will debut with 33 models. The specifications for the Zephrus rods look almost identical to that of its well-loved predecessor, and the model list looks very much like an expanded Zenith lineup.
All models are four-piece rods, with the exception of five SWS 8' 10" one-piece models, available in weights 8 through 12. Pricing ranges from $649 to $799.

Pink Floyd replied on Permalink
If this rod is made in Korea like the Zenith, why would anyone pay that much money for a rod made overseas? Is the rod so nice that it warrants the price tag regardless of where it's manufactured? The Zenith is a great rod but there are great rods manufactured in the U.S. for the same price. Also, I'm NOT a fan of Sage either so I'm not speaking from the Sage fanboy perspective.
JH replied on Permalink
Because, believe it or not, the USA is no the be-all and end-all of global manufacturing excellence!
Eduardo replied on Permalink
For 500 I will buy StCroix Legend Elite SW fly rods, which are made in the USA and are great, high performance, fast action rods.
Neville (Nev) Gosling replied on Permalink
Each fisherman has his or her own preference. St. Croix makes good rods however some models are made in Mexico with probably the upper end models being made in Park Falls USA. I took a look at a St Croix fly rod in a local store that was made in Mexico but found that the handle was too large in diameter for my liking. I still like the Hardy rods and would love to try the new Zephrus and the Wraith.
HM replied on Permalink
Because, we looked beyond our state lines and acknowledged others' greatness.
Neville Gosling replied on Permalink
I just purchased a second Hardy Zenith because I like them so much. In my view, the quality and attention to detail exceeds that of my Sage One and I find the Zenith more effortless to cast. Just a personal opinion.
Aidan replied on Permalink
I'd have no problem paying out for a Hardy, I have a 10ft Zenith Sintrix, that is an amazing rod is every aspect, i have a sage one that i hate its like a stiff pole, my greys G-Tec is probably my second choice after the hardy and i have a G-Loomis GR1206 that just isn't worth talking about. Honestly in my opinion Greys had it right, Hardy had it right and now that both companies have merged they really have top end rods on the market, Granted they come with a price, then again its like a car some can afford a Renault, Some can afford a BMW, you pay for what you get! Hardy please for me, can't wait to the the Zephrus 10' #6
David replied on Permalink
Do you seriously judge a rod on whether or not it is made overseas. Do you do that with cars. I doubt it. The Hardy Zenith 9' 5wt is one of the best rods available along with Loomis NRX LP and Sage.
Oisin replied on Permalink
I find it hard to believe that anyone would even buy a Hardy fly rod. I've never kept one for more than half a day before I sold it. The Zenith rods are just stiff pieces of junk and I find them impossible to use. The Marksman rod couldn't cast more than 30' before it bottomed out. The best thing to do is stay away from any rod with the Hardy tag on it.
Neville Gosling replied on Permalink
I would be pleased to take your Zenith & Marksman rods off your hands. I like them very much and the Zenith 9' 5wt is considered by many to be an ideal choice when travelling to fish New Zealand.
And no, the Marksman rod does not bottom out at 30 feet. I was using a Marksman II 10' 6 wt this past weekend fishing a large BC river & punching the line out against an upstream wind. I was able to make 60 -70 foot casts with no problem to where the fast and slower currents intercept. Maybe your casting style is more suitable for soft or moderate action rods.
troydba replied on Permalink
The new Zephrus have a softer tip than the Zeniths which is a good thing for dry fly and short distance accuracy guys. The 8'6" 4wt Zephrus FWS is a fine rod. I know highly skilled anglers that prefer the 8'0" and 8'6" 4wt Jet over the higher priced Zephrus due to the slightly slower action and more of a mid-flex feel. They claim that this rod performs way above is price point and will probably be my next purchase. I recently shopped for the best 10' 5wt rod and compared Orvis Helios 2, Scott Radian and Hardy Zephrus FWS. The Hardy wins this one by a land slide. Dude it isn't even close as far as lightweight feel and balance in hand and lowest swing weight! The Hardy Zephrus FWS 10' 5wt is one fantastic Nymphing rod - both indicator and euro nymphing. Many people consider the 1 piece Hardy Proaxis-X 8 wt to be the finest streamer rod every made! Every rod Hardy makes may not float any one person's boat for a given style or technique, but there are many fantastic examples within the brand that appeal to a broad spectrum of anglers. I would challenge you to take a closer look before dismissing the entire brand.
troydba replied on Permalink
Wow. There is no accounting for personal tastes, but you seem to be way, way out there like pluto man. Hardy Zeniths are considered to be one the best rods ever made by the fast majority of reviewers. They are lightweight, strong, forgiving and certainly not stiff. Unless you are an dry fly only extremist, I can't understand how you could bash not only a single rod in a series, or multiple series but the entire Hardy brand? You sir, are an idiot in MY opinion.