For the last few months, we've been working on an all-new version of Hatch Magazine, with a completely revamped look and feel. The goal from the outset has been to provide a more pleasant, immersive reading experience complete with bigger, bolder photography. It's not that the existing incarnation of Hatch Magazine is all that bad, its just a bit dated and we knew we could do better. And we have. The new Hatch Magazine is better in every way, and it's almost ready for prime time.

Almost, you say? But it's launching today? Yes. Almost.
Originally, the new Hatch Magazine was slated to launch on May 15. But, an announcement from Google last week -- one which has much of the internet clamoring to take action and gravely worried about potential impacts to their business -- has fast tracked our plans.
Bringing you a reading experience that is more immersive and pleasant means bringing you one that works well on all your devices: your desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, smartphone and so on. Doing just that has been the driving force of our redesign but it also happens to be one of Google's front-burner issues. In fact, Google considers mobile-friendly, multi-device support so important that it recently announced that web sites that lack it will start reaching fewer readers in its search results beginning tomorrow.
The good news is that we've been rebuilding with that goal foremost amongst all. The bad news, as mentioned above, is that we weren't quite done.
But, so be it. We'd rather keep reaching all of you with a beta version of the new Hatch Magazine than reach fewer of you with the existing site. Plus, you'll be getting a better reading experience right out of the gate. Sure, there will be a few bugs to work through as we go, but we hope you won't mind working through them with us.
We look forward to hearing everyone's opinions and comments on the new site once it launches later today.
DJ replied on Permalink
This Hatch online magazine is great!! Awesome content guys!1