Here are six excellent reasons you should make a point of catching CHROME in the Fly Fishing Film Tour this winter.
6) If we’re reading the sacred texts correctly, everyone who watches CHROME and then signs the “Save Our Steelhead” petition at the very end is guaranteed to spend a blissful eternity with 72 fly fishing virgins. (Sadly, it’s not exactly clear how many of those virgins will be under 60, or how many will have beards.)
5) CHROME was filmed near — and with the tacit support of — a number of grizzly bears. While we were filming the movie, Tom Rosenbauer of Orvis saw grizzly bears and grizzly bears saw Tom Rosenbauer. What’s unclear, at least until you watch the film, is how that dynamic played out in front of the camera.
4) Hannah and Kate. That’s right. CHROME is not simply a bunch of unwashed, scruffy, foul-smelling dudes living in Gore-Tex and chasing that rare - some might even say “mythical” - fish known as a steelhead. Our friends Hannah Belford and Kate Taylor steal the show in CHROME. (Sure, Mr. Rosenbauer is in the film, along with Dylan Tomine, Tim Romano and yours truly, but if you want to see the best casting and the best angling, check out the gals.)
3) Climate change and ocean acidification are huge threats to wild steelhead & salmon. If we want to hold on to our steelhead, and if we want our kids & grandkids to have a chance to wade pristine rivers and swing a long line, then we have an obligation, both to ourselves and to future generations, to learn the facts and take action. If you watch the trailer below, please click on the link at the very end and sign the steelhead petition. It’s time to stand up for our fishing.

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2) There’s a rumor going around that I farmed a massive steelhead while we were filming, and that the footage of that moment found its way into the trailer. While I can neither confirm nor deny the veracity of that rumor, I can tell you that only the lowest, most vile person would watch a movie trailer just to see an angler freak out over losing a big fish.
1) Here's a challenge for everyone who loves wild steelhead. If 500 of you watch the CHROME trailer, sign the petition (at, and then share the trailer on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtags #conservationhawks #wildsteelhead #hatchmag #f3t, I’ll choose one of you at random and give away a stellar reel I used in the film. If 1,000 of you watch the trailer, sign the petition at the very end, and share the trailer on social media, I’ll give away a rod as well. Does anyone out there want a new rod or a new reel? All you have to do to put yourself in the running is watch, sign and share, while encouraging your friends to do the same.
UPDATE (May 10, 2016): You can now watch the full length version of CHROME online for free. View it below.