Hatch Magazine 2016 Fly Fishing Photo Contest

Argentina Gold

Stopped on an island for an afternoon asado (BBQ), guide tells me there's some skinny water on the other side. I take my 6wt w/floating line instead of the 8 with sink. I find a flats area where the water is about 20 degrees warmer, I feel good about it. Then I see them. Schools of about 20-30 sabalo tailing in the shallows and running skittishly every so often. Then I see why. Flashes of gold. Dorado are cruising their periphery trying to pick them off. I put my streamer about a foot to the side of one of the schools, and smack! The line starts running and I know I've found anchor. A few aerial displays later and I come to the conclusion that these fish are responsible for the famous Argentine Tango... One of the coolest things I've ever experienced fishing.


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