Earlier this spring—along with gathering with friends, dining in restaurants, going into stores without a mask on, and an endless litany of other privileges we all enjoy under normal circumstances—the Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) was forced to hit pause on its annual tour which treats moviegoers to a yearly buffet of some of the best fly fishing films in the world. But, after a multi-month pause, the tour is back. Not in person, due to the persistent limitations introduced by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but virtually. That's right, you can now watch take in the entire 2020 Fly Fishing Film Tour from the comfort of your living room.
According to a release by the F3T, this year's tour features "exclusive shorts from our friends coast to coast and beyond," and tells stories about "everything from fishing guide fairytales, to serial steelhead semantics, canyon conservation in Colorado, mountain biking for marlin, jumping jaguars and jungle fish in whitewater rapids, and the audacious Aussies who explore the largest coastline in the world."
Much like the in-person tour, where door prizes are a main event, this year's F3T offers tour goers a shot at a bevy of prizes worth over $50,000. Gear and other prizes from Yeti, Costa, Thomas & Thomas, Scientific Anglers, Ross Reels, and Oskar Blues Brewing Company are all for the taking, but the most coveted prize will no doubt be a trip to the Seychelles courtesy of Yellow Dog Fly Fishing Adventures and Alphonse Fishing Company.
Ticket sales are all completed online, and once you've purchased your ticket, you'll have unlimited viewing access to all of this year's tour film through September 7, 2020 when the virtual tour event comes to a close.

According to the folks at F3T, relaunching the tour wasn't just about supporting the tour and the filmmakers.
“Our decision to relaunch the 2020 Fly Fishing Film Tour in a virtual space this fall was largely focused to allow for and support our promoters, grassroots fly shops, conservation and non-profit partners across the country. Rather than just releasing the film directly online/digitally, we chose to create a ‘virtual tour’ that allowed for regionalized events that would support these partners. We have created localized virtual shows that still contribute to grassroots conservation efforts like our physical tour does and also support our fly shops by driving traffic in-store for promotions,” said Paul Nicoletti, F3T Tour Manager.
The virtual tour includes screenings of 10 films, appearances by special guests, and more. For a full list of this year's tour films, to view trailers, or for more information on buying digital tickets, head to the 2020 Fly Fishing Film Tour website or click the link below.