We've been lucky enough to receive some amazing images for this year's fly fishing photo contest. It has been our privilege to host and showcase many of these amazing images. That said, now that the contest has formally closed, it is time to get on with the best part: picking the four lucky photographers that walk away with this year's amazing prizes. Thanks to contest sponsors Thomas & Thomas, Maui Jim, Montana Fly Company and Airflo -- this year's winners are going to walk away with the best offerings we've put up thus far, including the grand prize, a Thomas & Thomas NS 5 fly rod (valued at $820).

As in the past, winners will be selected by a panel of judges. These judges will represent a mix of personalities from the world of fly fishing, ranging from professional photographers to outdoor writers to product developers and so on. But, this year we're letting the readers get in on the action too. Each of you will have the opportunity to rate each photo entered in the contest (from 1 to 10). When the judges go to make their selections, they'll be taking into account reader ratings and comments.
How to Vote/Rate the Contest Entries
Voting is simple. Simply head to our contest photos page. Once there, you'll presented with a series of pages loaded with photos. Each photo will come up as a thumbnail, but you need only click the photo for an enlarged version to pop up. You can click to rate the photo directly below each thumbnail, or you can click the provided link to view additional details on the photo, including the name of the entrant and description of the photo (if provided).
It will take you a while to get through all the entries, but we hope that you will. You'll be missing out on some amazing imagery if you bail early.

If You Entered
Find the entry pages for your photos and use the buttons below each photo to share them! Encourage people to rate and comment on not only your photos but all of the contest entries. The more feedback the judges have on the impact your entries have on others, the better.
Choosing the Winners
If you've entered, you're likely wondering when you'll find out whether one of your entries is the winner. We'll wrap up user voting in the first couple weeks of December, make our selections, and have prizes out in time for the holidays.
Good luck to all. Now, go vote!