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More pink

Always more pink

It’s been awhile since the box came out of the storage room—months, actually. I can tell the last batch of flies I tied was destined for Alaska, given the pink, white and orange marabou situated atop the pile. The box looked like a creamsicle.

A fuzzy, hairy creamsicle.

Photo: Kelly Sikkemma

I did not know any fly anglers while growing up here, in the River Valley region of Arkansas. I read about them in the pages of Field & Stream and Sports Afield. I remember one named Lefty and another fellow named Wulff. But my fishing heroes drove fiberglass boats and threw the patently pagan Texas-rigged scuppernong Jelly Worm as opposed to the cultured and elegant-sounding Royal Coachman.

The fly fisher's recipe for Black Friday and Cyber Monday success

A simple guide for a fool-proof holiday weekend
Photo: Mike Sepelak

Black Friday and Cyber Monday, over the last decade or so, have evolved from above-average sale events to firestorms of buying and selling where store goers clamor for some of the best deals and prices of the year. They've become veritable consumer holidays, where all other pursuits are set aside and attention is turned almost solely to purchasing. But with the growth of these consumer bonanzas, the landscape has become increasingly crowded and difficult to navigate, and having a game plan before setting out can be the secret to success.

Ducks Unlimited decision puts bottom line ahead of ethics

Firing of journalist Don Thomas calls organization's judgement into question
Fly fishing on Montana's Ruby River (photo: B. Ater).

It’s hard to imagine that even a single one of Ducks Unlimited’s more than 750,000 members isn’t presently ashamed of their affiliation with an organization which has long been widely regarded as a well-respected and incredibly accomplished conservation organization. Over the years, Ducks Unlimited (DU) has built for itself a reputation of credibility based largely on its effective grassroots organization, efficient use of dollars and conservation of almost 14 million acres of North American waterfowl habitat.

Report on EPA review of Pebble Mine lacks basis in fact, human decency

Bought-and-paid for report lacks facts, ethics and morality
A Yupik fishing village in Bristol Bay (photo: Pat Clayton).

Yesterday, The Cohen Group, which the Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) and its supporters are lauding as an independent review firm, released a report that sharply criticized as unfair the EPA's process which led to a preliminary ruling that, if finalized, would prevent the so-called partnership — which now only contains Canadian firm Northern Dynasty Minerals, as all other former partner firms have long divested and distanced themselves from the ill-conceived project — from ever building the Pebble Mine.
