
Mountain brook trout love a parachute adams.

Newcomers to the sport of fly fishing can feel overwhelmed and lost at times. The challenges faced by the novice fly fisherman can be significant and the lack of positive feedback from successfully enticing a fish to take your imitation can make the prospect of learning the ropes a daunting one. Especially here in the eastern United States where the fish populations are lower and pressure is higher, more selective, more "educated" fish can make the task facing the unexperienced fisherman seem, at times, impossible.

Take for example my experience last week on the West Branch of the Delaware River, albeit one of the most technical and difficult rivers to fish anywhere in the United States. After a day of nothing much at all except prospecting with nymphs and streamers under sunny skies and through low, gin clear water, fish began to rise readily after the sun dipped below the horizon and a number of bugs appeared on the river. With at least a dozen fish to target from my spot in the river, surely success was about to be had, no? No. With no less than 6 different bugs on the water and in various life stages, the next hour was spent blowing through patterns and rigs and all to no avail. Walking off the river in the dark and straddling a boulder in the process, led to a pathetic, helpless slide into the water and a pair of filled up waders.

Why let a little high water stand in your way?

High, post-storm spring flows aren't always a reason to stay home
Even in seemingly messy high water conditions, trout can often be found in predictable places.

For many fisherman, big rains that lead to high water are a reason to stay home. After all, why venture out to your local stream or river when it's "blown out". Off color water, churning rapids, water up in the trees. Surely this is no time to catch fish.

Those who have put in hours on the river during times of high water know the above to be false. They also hope that the majority of anglers go on thinking it is true. High water days are often lonely days on the river, much to the delight of those who have become adept at fishing during such conditions.

Fly Fishing the Brood II Cicada Hatch

During the next 4-6 weeks, fly fishermen in the eastern United States -- from North Carolina and north to Connecticut and New York -- may be able to enjoy something that their western brethren find relatively commonplace, but is rarely experienced on eastern waters: throwing big bugs to voracious trout that aren’t the least bit picky about pattern or presentation.

This year marks the year of the emergence of the Magicicadas, also known as the 17-year or Brood II cicadas. These periodical cicadas, the longest living insects in North America, will emerge in massive numbers throughout the eastern United States with concentrations in some areas approaching 1.5 million insects per acre.

These insects, who have been living underground since 1996, will emerge when the average soil temperature reaches 64 degrees. As their wings harden after emergence, they will take flight to the trees where they will pursue a mate. After mating, these insects will fall to the ground, littering meadows, forest floors and rivers and streams. Unsuspecting trout will quickly key on this bounty of protein, gorging themselves on these readily available bugs.

Commercial fishing vessels in Bristol Bay, Alaska.

On the heels of last week's release of the EPA's updated risk assessment regarding the potential impacts of mining operations in the Bristol Bay watershed, the University of Alaska Anchorage's Institute of Social and Economic Research has released the findings of a study which estimate the annual value of Bristol bay's salmon fishery to be 1.5 billion dollars. The study was performed at the request of the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association, as part of an effort to increase the amount of data available to individuals and organizations undertaking the task of evaluating the feasibility of large scale mining, such as Pebble Mine, at the headwaters of the prolific Nushagak and Kvichak rivers.

The valuation figures produced by the study take into account commercial harvesting, processing, and retailing Bristol Bay salmon and the multiplier effects of these activities. The study does not include the economic value of the sport-fishing industry in Bristol Bay, which previous studies have estimated to be around $60 million annually.

The report by UAA also noted the importance of the economic impact of Bristol Bay's wild salmon fishery to other geographic regions of the United States, particularly the Pacific Northwest, where the report states most of the commercial fishing companies that operate in Bristol Bay are based. It details that "The Bristol Bay salmon industry is a major part of the broader Alaska and Pacific Northwest seafood industry, and pays for an important share of the fixed costs of many fishing and processing operations. Without the Bristol Bay salmon industry, fixed costs would be higher and profits lower in the rest of the seafood industry. The Bristol Bay salmon industry is a major supporter of infrastructure and utilities in the Bristol Bay region, a major taxpayer, and a very important source of local jobs and income."

Salmon Confidential: Effects of Salmon Farming on Wild Pacific Salmon

A recently released documentary highlights the effects of the farming of Atlantic Salmon in the waters of the Canadian Pacific Northwest. The feature length film, which is freely available for viewing online, tracks the findings a number of scientific studies which have found evidence of european salmon diseases -- commonly found in farmed salmon -- in wild pacific salmon. These studies have presented evidence that links the transmission of these diseases, specifically the incredibly lethal disease ISA, from farmed salmon to wild salmon to previously unexplained declines in Canadian sockeye salmon runs.

ISA has long been a problem for salmon farming operations in the waters off Norway, Scotland, eastern Canada and Chile. The virus, by infecting the red blood cells, causes severe anemia in affected fish, often leading to death. Mortality rates in infected farming operations as high as 100% have been observed. Loss rates of 70% are not uncommon. There is no treatment for the disease once a fish is infected and vaccines designed to prevent infection are considered less than effective and difficult to administer.
