The Chubby Cousin, an attractor nymph, was originally tied by Hogan Brown for the Yuba River in California. This pattern, typically swung or fished like a traditional wet fly, has a great deal of movement and action in the water. It is a favorite of many an angler for trout, steelhead, salmon and more. Though most people swing the Chubby Cousin, you can also nymph or dead drift it.

When I fished the Firehole in West Yellowstone in May, this was the only fly I needed.

HOOK: TMC 5262 or any other nymph hooks # 16 - # 14
THREAD: 6/0 red
BEAD: gold
DUBBING: Ice Dub Peacock
HACKLE: mallard flank or partridge feather
:LEGS: Tarantu-Leggs Tan
UV RESIN: Deer Creek Diamond Fine

Step 1: Add the bead to the hook.

Step 2: Wrap thread across the hook toward the back.

Step 3: Tie in the gold wire

Step 4: Dub the body with the Ice Dub Peacock dubbing – you may be generous here.

Step 5: Next, rib the body with the gold wire.

Step 6: Tie in 2 strands (in the middle so you have 4 legs) of the Tarantu-Leggs.

Step 7: Tie in the feather at the tip end.

Step 8: Wrap the feather hackle, then tie in.

Step 9: Make several wraps of the thread behind the bead; whip finish.

Step 10: Secure it with a think coat of UV Resin. If you do not have resin, you may replace with head ​cement.

Step 11: Cure it.

The completed Chubby Cousin.


Does the hackle go infant of the legs or behind? How long should the legs be? Legs are to the sides?
